Old book on wooden desk with sand timer

History Major

Explore American, European, and World history, focusing on traditional regions, nations, and themes, while developing a solid base of factual knowledge, the ability to logically interpret those facts, and the ability to communicate them confidently.

这个令人兴奋的学位课程探讨了世界历史的复杂性, 通过我们尊敬的教师的专家分析,引导重要的对话和与当前事件的相关性.

A relevant major for current times

历史学位可以为你将来从事教学、档案和策展工作做好准备. 它还可以提供可转移的技能,以补充几乎任何其他学术课程或职业道路.

History teaches you how to 提出一个论点,并用清晰、具体、有据可查的事实来支持 gathered from the best available sources. History teaches you how to do research independently. It teaches you how to critically evaluate sources and information, rather than just accepting whatever facts appear. Studying history enables you to develop fundamental skills which are not innate, but learned only through practice and hard work.

A history major is a "trend-proof" endeavor, 赋予你终身学习和职业发展所需的技能.

Immersive experiences beyond the classroom

历史课程提供了独特的机会,以提高学生在获得研究生课程准入和毕业后找工作的成功. 学生可以担任美国和欧洲调查课程的导师,也可以担任四世纪基督教网站和罗马道路项目等项目的研究助理. 学生们在老斯特布里奇村等地实习, a living museum in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. Plus, 大密尔沃基地区为各种领域的相关实习提供了大量的机会.

WLC的历史教师为学生提供参加学生历史协会奖学金的机会. 他们还通过WLC的Phi Alpha Theta国家荣誉协会分会来表彰杰出的成就.

Supportive faculty

我们的历史教师都获得了顶级机构的研究生学位,并定期出席会议,出版书籍和文章. 我们的教师是亲自与学生互动的教学学者, involve students in scholarship, 并利用他们的奖学金来提高学生在课堂上的经验. 你会得到一对一的支持,帮助你打造符合职业理想的大学经历.

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